Thursday, April 27, 2006

The dangers of alliteration

Topics: Public health, older people, partnerships, public campaigns

Caerphilly Council is a member of the 50+ Positive Action Partnership. The partnership is responsible for:

implementing the Older People's Strategy aimed at maximizing the health and independence of the ever increasing 50+ population in the county borough.

And they certainly have been getting a lot of attention recently with a poster campaign designed to raise awareness of older people's health issues around physical, mental and errr... sexual health.

According to the Caerphilly Council's website:

The campaign, launched this week for one month by the 50+ Positive Action Partnership, sees controversial posters on buses and notice boards in public buildings like libraries and leisure centres bearing the risque slogan "Happy, Healthy, Horny". The head turning posters, which feature the devil depicting lust, is an attempt to see the over fifties in a new light.

I know I'm being squeamish, but please turn that light off. Well, turn it off until I turn 50 anyway. Still the campaign certainly has been attention grabbing:

Caerphilly 50+ Forum which is supported by the partnership and GAVO (Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations), is open to anyone over fifty living in the area. Secretary Ralph Thomas said: "Generally I think it's going to be a bit controversial but I think it's a good thing that is gets people talking about the over fifties. Some people it will amuse, some people it will annoy but at least it'll get them talking about the issues."

And it is important to talk about these issues. My grandfather died of prostate cancer long before he needed to and I belive that a failure to think and talk about sexual health was a contributing factor.

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