1. Enagaging with the Voluntary and Community Sector
As well as explaining what the VCS is, it also clarifies its relationship with local government, and expands on three key roles that it plays: building social capital, delivering services and engaging communities.
As a toolikit for both councillors and officers, it's a great start. But if you have stories to share about working successfully with the VCS, the Knowledge team (knowledge@idea.gov.uk) would be glad to hear about it (and so would I!)
2. There's now a complete list of the 66 Round Two Local Area Agreements which is part of the LAA resource on Knowledge.
3. Signposts for safeguarding children
It also includes a jargon Buster (PDF, 20 pages, 985KB) which is always useful.
'Signposts' – is a guide for elected members in local authorities and non-executive children’s leads in the heath service, schools and voluntary and community sectors
In support of the legislation and guidance, the IDeA and NSPCC have developed an interactive safeguarding development tool – 'Signposts' – to support elected members and non-executives, in the NHS and other parts of the children's sector, in pursuing their statutory responsibilities to ensure the safety of all children and young people in their locality.
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