Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New on Knowledge

Topics: health, case studies, partnerships

What's new on IDeA Knowledge?

A year of healthy living - features case studies month by month focusing on healthier communities:

Inspired by the four Beacon Councils for healthy communities, the calendar also includes bright ideas gathered by the Centre for Public Scrutiny and drawn from initiatives such as Shared Priorities and Communities for Health. It shows how small changes enacted across a wide range of public services can make a big difference in health outcomes.

May's healthy living stories include several partnership successes:

Brighton and Hove's Active for Life programme:
With the clear aim of getting more people, more active, more often, Brighton and Hove City Council and Brighton and Hove City Teaching Primary Care Trust came together to create ‘Active For Life’.

Bootle L2Ozone case study (PDF, 5 pages, 43KB) (PDF, 5 pages, 116KB) The Bootle L2Ozone, a virtual health and wellbeing ‘zone’, brings together a group of voluntary, health, community and statutory service providers in Bootle. It has revolutionised the way people receive and engage in health and community services bringing together a range of services and providing the right community marketing.

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