Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quick hits: partnership reports

Topics: links to a variety of recently published reports and resources on partnerships, including: service delivery partnerships, children, housing

The DCLG's Service Transformation through partnership a toolkit for those wishing to develop partnerships for service delivery.

The DfES's Local Evaluation of Children's Service: Lessons from the Children's Fund
This report focuses on exploring four themes: the roles, orientations and principles of local evaluators; the evaluation methods that have been adopted by local evaluations; the ways local evaluations have sought to support partnerships’ decision making; key messages emerging from local evaluators’ reports and the ways local evaluators have sought to understand the underpinning themes of the Children’s Fund initiative, namely, prevention, participation and partnership working.

The Chartered Institutes of Housing's The Costs and Benefits of Groups, Mergers and Partnerships
This study has sought to identify both financial and operational costs and benefits of constitutional and non-constitutional partnerships. It has also analysed the many expectations on the outcomes of merger activity and their effects, including how tenants view moves to merge or form new groupings.

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