Monday, June 12, 2006

Partnership improvement programme seminar

Topics: events, improvement, partnership, community and voluntary sector

Between October 2005 and April 2006 eight areas in England took part in the pilot partnership improvement programme (PIP), a joint initiative between the IDeA and the Aston Centre for Voluntary Action Research (ACVAR).

The PIP pilot was concerned with “partnership working between local authorities and voluntary and community organisations” and each area developed a “Partnership Improvement Plan” to ensure that discussions become actions.

A dissemination event is being held in London on the morning of 28 June, which will present an opportunity for participants to showcase their progress and for the lessons learnt about cross-sector partnership working to be discussed.

We are pleased that Ed Miliband, the new Minister for the Third Sector in the Cabinet Office, will be attending the seminar to both listen to stories from the ground and give an overview of the national context for this project and plans for the future.

A report from the pilots will be available on the day. This event is free of charge.

Download the programme for the day:Partnership improvement programme seminar programme (PDF, 1 page, 70KB)

Bookings: To book a place on this free seminar fill in the the online booking form.

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