Wednesday, June 14, 2006

your interests

Topics: interim responses to PM Partner survey

We've had a good response to our online sign up form for the PM Partner: the more effective partnership project. Over 80 people have signed up thus far.

As part of the sign-up, we've asked people to tell us what they think the most important themes or areas of partnerships are now and which aspects or topics of partnership governance they're most interested in.

Community cohesion, economic development, increasing efficiency and healthier communities top the list for themes. Performance management, leadership, performance monitoring and citizen and user engagement are at the head of the topics list. (To see the full list of themes and responses you can see this 1 page pdf file)

These responses will shape the focus of the project, but they're interesting in their own right - even though these are only interim findings. We didn't ask why these topics were the most interesting now, but what's causing community cohesion to be the hot topic right now? Why is interest in risk and financial management so low?

At any rate, you can add your voice by signing up to the PM Partner project using this online sign up form. Don't worry, by signing up you're not necessarily giving away the farm, there's a low commitment option.

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