Friday, July 07, 2006

Slashing targets

Topics: performance measurement news round-up

Blogging has been light this week because I've been off sick. I'm still sick and still off work - but there are a couple of things I thought were worth noting.

Ruth Kelly's speech to the LGA Conference:

And last, but certainly not least, I want to see a set of government departments that realise that their job is to set clear frameworks for delivery and reporting, not to interfere and micro-manage.

To summarise, I want us to move

  • from the ‘top down state’ to the ‘trusting state’,
  • from ‘earned autonomy’ to ‘presumed autonomy’,
  • from a process driven system to a people driven one.
I know this is ambitious, but I don’t think it is a pipe dream. I guess you have heard some of this vision before and are asking –'is it for real this time?' I’m clear that it is. Because our vision for local government is rooted in realism - the best councils are already showing that it works. And because central government is prepared to work with you in new ways.

A new publication mapping the Local Government Performance Reporting Landscape

This report gathers evidence from in-depth case studies with four high-performing councils to map the performance controls imposed by Government on local authorities. It also identifies the perceptions of those councils about the value of existing performance controls in terms of high, medium and low value.

And for you data lovers, State of the region report Vital Signs from the Government Office Northwest.

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